Rulers need to introspect everyday, says Justice Ramana

It has been reported the Addressing the 40th convocation of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning in Puttaparthi town in Anantapuramu district, Justice Ramana, quoting Mahabharata and Ramayana, said there are 14 bad qualities of rulers which they should avoid.

“All the rulers in the democratic set-up, before beginning their routine work, should introspect whether they have any bad characteristics. There is need to offer just administration and it should be according to people’s needs. There are several wise men here and you are watching the developments that are taking place worldwide and countrywide,” the company said.

Modern Education System

He said people are the ultimate lords in democracy and whatever decision has been taken by the dispensation should benefit them.

He further said it was his desire that all the systems in the country should be independent and honest aiming to serve the people which Sathya Sai Baba also used to say the same thing.

Unfortunately, the modern education system tends to focus only on the utilitarian function and such a system is not equipped to deal with the moral or spiritual function of education which builds the character of students and allows them to develop a social consciousness and a sense of responsibility, Justice Ramana said.

“True education is one which imbibes moral values and virtues of humility, discipline, selflessness, compassion, tolerance, forgiveness and mutual respect,” He said. On Sathya Sai Baba, Justice Ramana said, “I had the good fortune of having Baba’s darshan. I have always carried with me his words of wisdom.”

Increased the Inequalities in Society

He further said: “There is no greater proponent of service, no greater mentor to follow than Baba himself. Sathya Sai means love, Sathya Sai means service, Sathya Sai means sacrifice.” “…Be it education, medical care, providing clean drinking water, relief work, Baba has showed us the righteous path.

This is the concept embedded in our cultural ethos of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ (the world is one family),” he said adding Baba’s life should be an inspiration to one and all. The world has gone through unprecedented changes during the past two years and the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed and highlighted deep-rooted vulnerabilities and has increased the inequalities in society, the company said.

“In such times, selfless service is the need of the hour. I feel so encouraged by the fact that this idea of service is still strong in the hearts and minds of the people, including students of this institution, to provide relief to those in need,” he added. (The Economic Times)