India has 1399819 active companies as on 31st Aug, 2021

The total number of companies registered in the country as on 31st August, 2021 stood at 2216315. Of them 770262 companies were closed.

Active in progress status is now invalid and companies under this category, lies under Active Status. Taking the above into account, there were 1399819 active companies as on 31st August, 2021. Out of the 770262 closed companies, 11107 companies were liquidated/dissolved; 710564 companies were declared defunct (and hence struck-off after issuance of notice u/s 248).

Table 1: Economy India (Source: Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. of India)

27763 companies were amalgamated/ merged with other companies; 15953 companies were converted to Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) and 4875 were converted to LLP and dissolved. Table-1 presents the summary picture of companies count as on 31st August, 2021.

Out of the 1399819 active companies, 1390730 were limited by shares; 8782 were
limited by guarantee and 307 were unlimited companies.

Table 2: Economy India (Source: Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. of India)

Chart: Sector wise One Person Companies as on 31st August 2021

  • ‘TS&C’ is Transport, Storage and Communication, ‘CP&S’ is ‘Community, personal & Social Services’, ’RE&R’ is Real Estate and Renting.

Out of the companies limited by shares, 66751 were public, 1283632 were private including 40347 one person companies. Among the public limited companies, 6747 were listed (Table 1).

State/UT-wise distribution of registered companies indicates that Maharashtra has the highest number of companies (433974), followed by Delhi (368928) and West Bengal (217062).

State wise Active Companies

Amongst ‘Active Companies’, Maharashtra has the maximum number of active companies (270687), followed by Delhi (221166) and West Bengal (134725) as on 31st August, 2021. (Table-3).

Table:3 : Economy India: Trend of Registered Companies in India, August 2021

Economic-activity wise Active Companies

Economic-activity wise classification of active companies reveals that highest number of companies were in Business Services (439324) followed by Manufacturing (283247), Trading (178918) and Community, Personal and Social Services (114664).

Chart: 4: Economy India: Distribution of companies registered in August, 2021

Business Services comprise of Information Technology, Research & Development and other business activities such as law, audit & accounts and consultancy, etc. (Table-4).

‘EG&W’ is Electricity, Gas and Water, ‘TS&C’ is Transport, Storage and Communication, ‘CP&S’ is Community, personal and Social Services, ’RE&R’ is Real Estate and Renting.

One Person Companies

Up to 31st August, 2021, a total number of 40347 One Person Companies (OPCs) were registered with collective authorized capital of Rs. 1,322.43 crore.

Economic activity wise classification of OPCs up to 31st August reveals that the highest number of OPCs were in Business Services (20159) followed by Manufacturing (5169), Community, Personal & Social Services (5061), and Trading (4817) (Chart 2). During the month of August 2021, a total of 797 OPC were registered with authorized capital of Rs. 28.98 crore. Economic activity wise classification of OPC during the month reveals that highest number of 312 OPCs were registered in Business Services, followed by 136 in Manufacturing, 119 in Trading and 99 in Community, personal & Social Services.

(Economy India)