Editorial: India Abroad

Prime Minister Narendra Modi did not miss the opportunity to express his deep satisfaction over the way the Indian diaspora has distinguished itself all over the world – with a meritorious contribution to the interests of the different communities in which it lives.

To the Indian people who came to greet him at the airport upon landing in the United States (US), Narendra Modi said in a proud tone that they were an India away from India, but catering to the local community interests with distinction.

Though most Indian Prime Ministers have been appreciating the role the diaspora has played all along, Narendra Modi has worked meticulously to create a terrific constituency for India among Indians abroad.

No Indian leader had ever done such an effort to such an extent, with such aplomb.

In the past seven-and-a-half years Prime Minister, Modi has spent considerable energy in connecting with the Indian diaspora all over the world.

Wherever he went, Modi held meetings of the Indian community and gave to the world a clear impression that the definition of India could not be restricted to its geographical spread of the subcontinental size, but it needs to be expanded to accommodate the complete Indian diaspora spread across the world, in every nook and corner.

No other world leader – from any other country – has ever made such a successful campaign for the people from his or her country in other parts of the world. By this parameter, Narendra Modi has proved to be of different stuff altogether.

Of course, all this effort has a goal to achieve – beyond politics.

That is a nationalistic goal, to say the least, and has helped Modi serve a great purpose of giving every Indian abroad an assurance that he – or she – is an integral part of the larger Indian identity.

This psycho-spiritual assurance makes all the difference, no matter, then, the political interpretation of the Prime Minister’s effort by some vested interests.

There has never been any doubt about the commitment of the Indian people in different countries to the cause of India.

These millions of Indians who live abroad for various purposes always look back to India with assurance and hope that they belonged to their original country.

Trapped in local conditions and driven by a mix of personal as well as community interests, they may even be taking some steps that may even confuse the Indians back home.

Despite all that, however, all the members of the Indian diaspora have proved time and again that in the heart of their hearts, they belong to India.

In the past few years, the contribution of the Indian diaspora to the local cause and issues and communities has only grown.

More and more Indians are figuring in elite lists of people whose contribution needs to be treated as rare.

They are figuring in the lists of top bureaucrats and politicians and corporate bosses and educational and cultural leaders.

Some of them have become global icons as well, offering role models for all.

Even as Narendra Modi recognizes all this, he also expects the members of the Indian diaspora to maintain a close connection with India and its causes continuously.

This is, of course, a long haul, in the sense its immediate effect may not be visible to anybody.

In the long run, however, the world will realize that the Indian diaspora is connected better with India and will care for the covert or overt Indian interests everywhere in the world.

What is important is the goodwill that is growing and multiplying all along.

And fortunately, this goodwill is not remaining restricted only to the Indian diaspora.

Frankly, it is spreading in all communities in respective countries. In a slow but steady manner, the Indian diaspora, thus, is expanding the circle of Indian influence in the world.

By any standard, all this is welcome in measures fuller than normal.

For, when the world is becoming a better-and-more closely-knit family, Indian people in India and the diaspora spread across continents have a good role to play, and Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi is acknowledging that glorious possibility and potential. That is where he is making the difference.