The phrase ‘Catch them Young’ cannot find a more purposeful applicability than what it has at Chintalayapalle Village of Nandyal District in Andhra Pradesh. The Village which is on the trajectory to become Child Friendly under the ongoing Pilot CSR Intervention of Viviid Emissions Reductions Universal Private Limited had elected its Bal Panchayat (Children’s Parliament) on July 29, 2022. Notably formation of Bal Panchayat is a definitive step towards instilling democratic values in the children which is one of the most important elements of the Intervention.
Bal Panchayat – Promoting Participatory Governance in Chintalayapalle Village
Brimming with confidence and self-determination, the members of the recently elected Bal Panchayat under the aegis of its 12-year-old firebrand Sarpanch Indu submitted the Charter of Demands on behalf of all the 386 children domiciles of Chintalayapalle to the Village Sarpanch during the Special Gram Sabha Meeting convened on Independence Day. The Bal Panchayat had sequentially met all the children of Chintalayapalle to understand the problems they face at their schools and communities. The Charter of Demand was well received by the Intervention Manager who was present at the occasion along with his other colleagues from SAMATHA NGO – the grassroots civil society organisation that Viviid Emissions Reductions has collaborated with.
For the Children, by the Children
The Charter of Demands that has been prepared by the elected representatives of the Bal Panchayat for the Benefit of all the Children of Chintalayapalle Village is as follows:
(a) A Telugu language teacher should be appointed at the Zila Parishad High School of Chintalayapalle Village at the earliest.
(b) Separate toilets for girls and boys should be constructed at the Zila Parishad High School.
(c) Manholes should be sealed around the schools to prevent accidents.
(d) The Village Education Committee must coordinate with parents and teachers to ensure that no child drops out of school.
(e) Village Sarpanch must mobilise the parents in ensuring 100% enrolment in schools.
(f) Parents have to be regularly counselled so that their children are not irregular at attending school.
(g) Blood group of all children be ascertained and documented for any medical emergency.
(h) It must be ensured that there is no child labour in the village.
(i) School authorities must provide for safe and clean drinking water.
(j) De-addiction centres must be established in the village to address alcoholism.
(k) Village authorities must work towards ensuring zero domestic violence.

Ever since the Children’s Charter of Demand has been presented, the Intervention Implementation Agency SAMATHA NGO in discussion with Viviid Emissions Reductions Universal Private Limited has stepped up the policy advocacy initiatives to ensure that these basic demands made by children are met in a time-bound manner.
The Voice of the Children will be taken to the Authorities
Elaborating about policy advocacy, the Chief Functionary of SAMATHA NGO, Bhoomi Adinarayana Reddy said, “Hon’ble Zila Parishad Chairperson Shri Yerrabothula Papi Reddy Garu who happened to be the Chief Guest of our Inauguration Ceremony has assured us of full cooperation for the success of this intervention for rendering Chintalayapalle a Child Friendly Village. Under the guidance of Shri. Y. Papi Reddy Garu the District Education Officer and Kolimigundla Mandal Education Officer will extend full cooperation to ensure that children’s demands related to school, and education are met. Other developmental aspects elicited in the Charter of Demands will be taken care of by the Chief Executive Officer of Nandyal and Kurnool Zila Parishad and the Kolimigundla Mandal Development Officer. We are in regular touch with all the Government Functionaries so that we are able to live up to the expectations of our children. It will be ensured that before the Republic Day of 2023 our efforts in this direction start bearing fruits.”

Children are the Present and Future of our Nation
Puneet Katyal, Chief Executive Officer, Viviid Emissions Reductions Universal Private Limited said, “Children are the Present and Future of our Nation. I am happy to see that they are emphatically voicing out their concerns and learning about the tenets of participatory governance and democracy. This sense of camaraderie among the children of Chintalayapalle will go a long way shaping their personality and destiny. This is truly the Voice of the Unstoppable. A voice that no one can ever ignore. A lot more is planned to ensure that children of Chintalayapalle Village enjoy the fruits of holistic development and grow up to win laurels for themselves, their parents, communities and most importantly our Nation. I am glad that we are able to serve both our Planet and People simultaneously. This is truly a very gratifying feeling.” (India CSR)