Water Projects are indeed more of social projects than commercial ones, Says Arun Lakhani, Chairman & MD, Vishvaraj Group

Interview of Arun Lakhani, Chairman & MD, Vishvaraj Group

The Population growth, urbanization, industrialization and modernization of farming have led to immense pressure on water as a resource. 

Vishvaraj Environment, the flagship company of the Vishvaraj Group, is an ESG-focused water utility. “We are social entrepreneurs who contribute to Water Sustainability, Wastewater Treatment, and Reuse, leading to water security. Our vision is to align with the larger cause of public benefit. This has helped create not only sustainability for all but also a sustainable business for Vishvaraj.”, Arun Lakhani, Chairman of Vishvaraj Group says in recent interview with India CSR.

“Water Projects are indeed more of social projects than commercial ones. When we say we are working towards a 4P model, we mean the participation of the citizens in the scheme itself. When people see tap water running in their homes, they realize the true benefits of the 24×7 water supply program and it frees up their time to be gainfully deployed.”, he further added.

In an interview with Rusen Kumar, Editor, India CSRVishvaraj Group’s chairman and managing director, Arun Lakhani, spoke about the potential of wastewater recycle and ESG-focused water utility, key initiatives undertaken in this area, experience with water supply projects, major challenges and plans.

Read full interview of Arun Lakhani on Urban Water Projects