How a ‘Smart Govt.’ transforms a cumbersome system for new parents, into a robust online solution

In the country known as the business hub of the Middle East, registration of a new born baby involved visiting different government agencies to collect legal documents, which could be both exhausting and time-consuming for new parents.

The government was keen to transform this experience as a part of the National Vision 2021.

The ‘Smart Government’ initiative focused on increasing the happiness of its citizens by optimizing the services provided at a reduced cost.

Infosys led the project and started by interlinking the different govt agencies and cutting down multiple visits.

Within an aggressive timeline of 100 days, Infosys powered a single online process which was robust and scalable and could function around the clock.

It brought about synergy between the stakeholders by connecting 130 individuals of different nationalities and cultures, 11 government ministries and application specialists across locations. The team worked on 3 parallel tracks of Business Process, Application Infrastructure Setup and Portal & Services Development.

What resulted from this is a solution capable of handling 50+ concurrent users and process more than 1,00,000 applications in an 8-hour window. And it was developed in 65 days!

Not only did this new process improve user experience incredibly for parents, it dramatically changed how critical documents were digitized in the system. Find out how integrating your disparate systems can transform your customer experience.

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